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Hot-shaped vases, bowls and plates from Bohemia

Bohemia glass vases, bowls and plates hot–shaped directly at the hot furnace. First of all the glassmaker cut the required piece out of a thick pane of glass, then the artist draws the awesome motif on this piece and finally the piece is put to form in the furnace and heated up which ensures the piece of glass perfectly copies the shape of form. As the result, you can buy gorgeous and extremely durable hot shaped glass items that will better your home.

Precise handmade execution and special attention to even the smallest detail given to each piece of colored glass, a unique character. Each piece perfectly illustrates the enormous skill and talent of the Czech glassmakers. All the products from colored glass are made by using traditional techniques and represent the result of perfect cooperation between the best artists and glass masters. As soon as you buy any of our colored glass vases, ashtrays or bowls, you will quickly find out that they are masterpieces which nothing can equal.

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