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Zwiebelmuster Blue Onion Vases, Candleholders, Ashtrays from Bohemia

Beautify your home with our gorgeous Blue Onion or so-called Zwiebelmuster porcelain vases, candlesticks and other decorative items. Every single piece is made from the world famous Czech Blue Onion porcelain that has more than a 100 years old history. The production of the classic Blue Onion décor is our evergreen. It is applied on rococo designs under the glaze using Cobalt. Currently, there are 631 different designs. The designs have been produced since 1885 when they were acquired from the O. C. Teichert Company.

Every single piece is immensely beautiful, practical and has a long lifespan. You will be proud to put them on the table.

All products bear over 100 years old trademark – a tricorn royal crown above stylized capital letter D.

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