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Three-legged Hand-cut Crystal Bowl

Bohemian Cut Crystal Hand-made Original Czech Product
2x photo (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)
  • Bowl - 62022-57001
    Diam.: 114 mm / 4.49 in. - 83 USD
  • Bowl - 62022-57001
    Diam.: 155 mm / 6.10 in. - 130 USD
  • Bowl - 62022-57001
    Diam.: 175 mm / 6.89 in. - 165 USD
  • Three-legged Hand-cut Crystal Bowl - 62022-57001
    Diam.: 205 mm / 8.07 in. - 181 USD
  • Bowl - 62022-57001
    Diam.: 230 mm / 9.06 in. - 244 USD
  • Bowl - 62022-57001
    Diam.: 255 mm / 10.04 in. - 280 USD
  • Bowl - 62022-57001
    Diam.: 310 mm / 12.20 in. - 451 USD
Click here to choose from all
available sizes
Product code 8591195004376
Shape 62022-57001
Diam.205 mm / 8.07 in.
Weight2.09 kg / 4.60 lb
pcs/box 1
Production time 3-5 days
Three-legged Hand-cut Crystal Bowl
Diam.: 205 mm / 8.07 in.
206 USD / 1 pcs
12 %
Your price
181 USD / 1 pcs


The tradition of tripods dates back to the Middle Ages

The tripod ceramic dishes have been very popular since the Middle Ages and with a development of the glass industry they began to be even more sought-after. And they are very popular even today. Our hand-cut tripod bowls are cut with most famous, traditional Czech décor 57001 [or PK500] and bring a loving touch of tradition to every interior. Available in 7 sizes.

Together with the crystal bowl you will also receive certificate that confirms the piece is made from genuine Bohemian crystal.

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