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Zwiebelmuster Blue onion jugs, mugs and cups

Enjoy your morning tea or afternoon coffee with our amazing Original Bohemia Zwiebelmuster / Blue Onion porcelain mugs and cups. They underline the flavor of your favorite drink and make any occasion absolutely unique. Thanks to their beauty, they also look great as a showcase decoration only. It is completely up to you how you use them. In any case you can choose from our wide range offered and buy the porcelain mug or cup that meets all of your requirements.

Blue Onion porcelain jugs and pots are perfect for serving water, juice, tea or coffee. Czech porcelain jugs and pots represent a great addition to your kitchen service and change even the most ordinary breakfast into an eminent occasion. Look at our offer and buy the jug or pot you like most.

Why Blue Onion? The name Blue Onion arose by a chance, as the pomegranate depicted on the edges of porcelain reminded some people melon or onion. This type of decoration was invented in 1729 by Johan David Kretschmar and it is basically depicting simplified vegetable motifs. There is no other type of decoration which would be so popular for such a long time.

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