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9″ Crystal Pot Vase

Bohemian Cut Crystal Hand-made Original Czech Product
1x photo (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)
  • Mini Vase - 80006-57001
    Height: 102 mm / 4.02 in. - 56 USD
  • Mini Vase - 80006-57001
    Height: 130 mm / 5.12 in. - 77 USD
  • Hand-cut Crystal Pot Vase - 80006-57001
    Height: 205 mm / 8.07 in. - 160 USD
  • 9″ Crystal Pot Vase - 80006-57001
    Height: 230 mm / 9.06 in. - 267 USD
  • 10″ Crystal Pot Vase - 80006-57001
    Height: 255 mm / 10.04 in. - 323 USD
  • 12″ Crystal Pot Vase - 80006-57001
    Height: 305 mm / 12.01 in. - 585 USD
Click here to choose from all
available sizes
Product code 8591195032614
Shape 80006-57001
Height230 mm / 9.06 in.
Weight2.5 kg / 5.50 lb
pcs/box 1
Production time 3-5 days
9″ Crystal Pot Vase
Height: 230 mm / 9.06 in.
304 USD / 1 pcs
12 %
Your price
267 USD / 1 pcs


A vase cut by glass masters

This beautiful crystal vase boasts a perfect cut based on hundreds of years of tough work of Czech glassmakers, who have handed over the craft from generation to generation. Thanks to its fine decoration, it has a fresh and luxurious look, and is suited to both modern and antique interiors.

Together with the crystal vase you will also receive certificate that confirms the piece is made from genuine Bohemian crystal.

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